Last Man
Single Channel 4K Video
8.23 Minutes
Filmed on site at the location of the old terminal in Cork Airport this work taps in to the embedded narrative atmosphere that permeates the empty building. The work implies a narrative development familiar from the conventions of cinema as it traces the path of one solitary individual navigating the interior of the now empty Airport. The use of tautly structured camera work and a tense soundtrack further suggests a progression towards a potentially dramatic conclusion.
The site of the vacated terminal suggests a foretaste of one possible future or perhaps the recording of a neglected past. These possible scenarios conjure up both the concepts of a world without oil, making air travel impossible or even a future where aviation has become obsolete and what remains is nostalgia for the archaic technologies of the past.
Camera: Piers McGrail
Lighting: Pete Rea
Sound: Karl Burke
Actor: Daragh Martin
Assistants: David Connor, Liam Purcell
Edited by: Pete Ray, Martin Healy
Last Man was Commissioned by the National Sculpture Factory (Cork)/Static(Liverpool)
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